Lucky Seven!

So Elizabeth Noble tagged me for this on facebook so I figured, why not? Take chances.

1. Go to page 77 (or 7th) of your current ms
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next 7 lines-sentences or paragraphs- and post them as they’re written. No cheating.
4. Tag 7 other authors. No cheating.
So here are seven sentences from the work in progress Bloody Aria, which is my air pirate story.

What was truly eye catching were the golden wings arching gracefully from his back. Antoine had seen other elves before being brought aboard the Bloody Aria, but only at a distance. They had always appeared to him as silent looking dolls in the company different nobles and wealthy merchants at the gatherings he had been forced to attend with his father. Never had he been so close to one.

“You… are not Shandor.” An annoyed look crossed the elf’s face and he let out a huff, crossing his arms. “Are you just going to stand there and gawk?

Good Times

That’s my story so far. Last weekend I attended Kawakon her in the Gateway City and had an absolute blast. Good friends and good events abounded.  Mostly it was me, Little Bits and D going around, though I spent a nice portion by myself as well as they had cosplay things to do. There were lots of steampunk panels and events which was great fun and I got to meet cool people. Like the crew of the Airship Lufsturm who were a blast and super friendly. I also got to hear a great new band called the Aeronauts who were also tons of fun. I was the first person up dancing and didn’t stop until the end. Another reason to love them, the drummer walked around all Saturday wearing a hippy skirt and a purse and gave no fucks.

I even managed to do some promo! In that I left postcards by registration, and then gave the last away at the yaoi panel on Saturday. Where my abilities to be sarcastic and occasionally witty won me prizes! Was also nicely inebriated for most of the panel, and before that so it probably helped me get over my innate shyness. Also met some other local people to try and keep up with. I’m in general terrible about keeping in touch with people, but I am trying to make more of an effort.

On top of all of this,  I met my bare minimum quota of 500 words both Friday and Saturday! I know it doesn’t seem like much, but when you’re at any kind of convention, it can be hard to find spare moments to write. Especially if the free wifi is intermittent and the convention is trying to get you to pay for the other stuff. So between panels, waiting for panels or when I got bored, I had the laptop out typing away. No writing on Sunday, by that time I was wiped and gave myself a day of rest. It did leave me energized and inspired to move forward and get my darn work-in-progress finished.